Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Life with Lies and Corruption

The government is corrupt and lies. Too many people are trying to be "politically correct" in order to "not offend" ANYONE. Major universities are practically shut down with students who are fearful, stressed, and in pain ... because someone wrote TRUMP in chalk on the sidewalks. Now  "micro aggression" and "white privilege" are all the topic in schools and progressive circles, while no one wants to talk about the elephants in the room. Or gorillas in the corner. Inflation, a government oblivious to the will of the people, focusing on the bread and circuses of the later stages of Rome.

Trump wins the popular vote, but the Republican party gives the delegates to Cruz. Sanders is the up and comer, albeit a Socialist, but the Democrats create "Super Delegates" for Clinton. The EPA all but kills the oil, gas, and coal industries with regulations. The BLM closes off stock water for multi-generational grazing rights. All the while talking about gun control, when 75% of all murders are committed by blacks according to FBI statistics. The US Court of Appeals says that Los Angeles County has to remove the cross off the top of the mission inside their seal because it endorses a religion. The chaos, idiocy and immorality run rampant.

So what to do? Clearly these things are not going to be easily changed, if at all. The blogs and discussion on the internet that have previously been opining that we have to do something, are now talking about how we rebuild once society collapses. I'd rather not wait for collapse to start doing something. Self reliance and deliberate living, the battle cry of Thoreau and Emerson rings as true today as ever. Here's my list of how to disengage from the madness.
  • Be debt free
  • Make our own cleaning supplies
  • Grow and hunt for our own food
  • Heat with wood
  • Have a well available for water
  • Stay faithful to God
  • Stay healthy
  • Be involved with your local community
  • Develop multiple streams of income
A simple list that will take some time, but in the face of a corrupt, illogical, immoral world, the only way to be insulated, is to be separated.

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