Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Snowstorms and Faith

The snow was blinding, beyond a white-out. I left the house at 5:00 am for what is normally a 35 minute drive. Even in the dark, the worst part is the chance of a deer or antelope becoming suicidal on the road where trucks and cars are hurtling along at 70 miles per hour. Today, was different, I averaged 30 miles per hour, the snow in the headlights a curtain of white while the four-wheel drive kept the slipping to a minimum. In these conditions, you keep your high beams off to avoid the jump to lightspeed effect. I took solace knowing that if I had an accident, I wouldn’t be badly injured since I was driving slowly. Driving in the dark, your headlights show the way and roadside reflectors give reassurance that you’re on the right path. This morning was different.

As I crawled along, my only reassurance was the reflector coming up on my right. I couldn’t see the next reflector, trusting that based on the one passing out of sight, the next would soon appear and I was on the right path. The next reflector would come into view, I’d breathe a small sigh of relief and continue on.

In times like this, you are traveling on faith. Faith in your truck, faith in the people maintaining the roads, faith in your concentration, and most importantly faith that God is in control. All of these had me thinking about other ways that God guides us in our walk of faith. So many times, we know that we are doing all that we can, things are chaotic, we’re scared, but we keep moving forward. We pray for guidance, protection, answers, and understanding; and all along the way, if we are looking, God is giving us small answers and reassurances. He does not always speak loudly, parting the seas or stopping the storm. Oftentimes we have to pay attention to our prayers and relationship to see the road markers He puts out.

So when your life is chaotic, you’re scared, and feel that everything is out of control, stay faithful, remain steadfast in prayer, and know that while God does not always give thundering answers, He always has road markers for you to follow.

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