Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Going Galt and Loving your Family

Watching the goings on in the world, I am more and more convinced that the only reasonable response that will ensure your family’s survival is to “Go Galt.” For those not familiar with the term, reference Atlas Shrugged, the prescient novel penned by Ayn Rand in 1957. While I take exception to many parts of her philosophy of Objectivism, replacing that with legitimate Judeo-Christian values makes the book work perfectly.

John Adams forecast that democracy would not survive; he was sadly correct. Our Constitutional government no longer operates as intended; we instead operate under an oligarchy. I do not bemoan this, but simply state it as a fact. Democratic government, or any form of government, I suppose, survive more than a handful of generations. Such is the plight of man, ever subject to the call of the flesh and self-satisfaction.

As a family, we are going to be exchanging letters sharing our love for each other. This is only possible with grown children, especially those with huge student loans. As I work on my letters, I keep straying to words of warning; my sage advice learned over 53 years. I refocus, however, to tell my grown children and wife how truly wonderful and special they are and how much I truly love them, with just a few words of fatherly or husbandly advice.

Back to the world, I leave it to others to sound the clarion call for now. We all suffer from cognitive dissonance, filtering out information that fails to match our preformed conclusions. I try not to do this, digging deeper for the facts, for source material, for opposing viewpoints. I unfortunately come back to the same place, we’re out of control and on the precipice of a global, social and economic collapse. Whether this is a year, five, or twenty from now, I do not know. I am convinced, however, that it is inevitable. Has this happened before? Certainly. Will we recover? In time. Will it happen again? Most assuredly.

So I return to the question of what’s most important in life, and how to prepare for the inevitability of what will come. First, you have to be right with God. I do not mean your personal interpretation of God, but the God of Issac, Abraham and Jacob, the triune God who is creator of the universe and who has a perfect plan for us, the God who is Love. Next, you need to protect yourself and your family; live away from large population centers and be as self-sufficient as possible.Third, or maybe this is 2a, you need to be brutally honest in assessing what you see, hear, and read. God gave you a mind, use it. Lastly, help your loved ones, friends, and community prepare for what is coming.

There are many resources available both online and in print. Seek them out. Use your mind. Realize that you may have been wrong. And as I used to say in project management, question all assumptions. In the mean time,

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”

-Numbers 6:24-26

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