Sunday, March 10, 2013

Heading to Wyoming

Some of you know, and others are just finding out with this letter, that we are moving to Wyoming. This is not a decision made lightly, and much prayer has gone into it.

Several years ago, God started directing everything in our lives; it was clear that we were on a journey. Over the past ten years, David had been laid off three times in two years during the dot com bust, our car and home were broken into, an arson fire destroyed most of our “precious” things, we downsized from a house to an apartment, and David went back to school to be trained as a nurse. During that time as well, God has been more and more apparent in our lives to the point where David’s been ordained, we started a homeless ministry, bible study, and have held regular liturgical services.

Throughout these ten years, God had set on our hearts a couple of things. First, that we were on a journey, and He showed us that as we were obedient to Him, He would take care of all our needs; which he has done. Second, that our calling would be to teach and show discipleship to church communities; helping them to be the model of Christian communities in all things from prayer, to true love and support for one another, helping those in need, and developing community gardens to feed both church and community. The last part is an extension of the meals we do after every service and is something we started at our apartment complex. Further, that we would do this for a number of different churches and communities, not just build one big church. Third, was that after completing my RN and working for a year, the next step would be shown to us. Over the summer, we travelled to Oregon and Washington, looking around, meeting with bishops from our church, and the feeling we got, the advice we received, and the answers to our prayers was consistent; not now, not here, stay the course, you will both know when it is the right time and place. Next we visited Hawaii, met with another bishop, spent time with some other church workers, and the advice, and answer to prayers were the same; not now, not here, stay the course, you will both know when it is the right time and place.

This brings us to the end of November. For three years my sister has been asking us to visit her in Wyoming, look around, and interview. We finally did that the end of November. We spent five days in Wyoming; David interviewed, we socialized, and got to know the area a little more. Both of us are now at the point where we know that the time is now, Wyoming is the place, and we are continuing our course serving God there. The result of my interviews was a number of different job opportunities, an invitation to start a bible study/home church from an existing congregation, the location for a model community garden with willing workers, and the means to reach out to other communities through helping those in need.

It is amazing how God works, where His answers are always accompanied by a sense of peace, whether it is “no”, “not yet”, or “ yes.” To those we have been involved with in fellowship, continue loving one another, speaking the truth from the Gospel, and staying prayerful in all things. The church meetings, homeless meals and other things we have been involved with are not the result of our efforts; they are all the result of obedience to God’s direction. As Bishop John Stanley has said on many occasion, “If you’re willing, God will make you able.” We were simply willing, as we pray you will continue to be as well.

We have family and friends in the Bay Area, and our kids are in Southern California so we will be back to visit. We are not saying a final goodbye, but just a “see you later.” To all our friends, we will miss you, but know that God is calling us to Wyoming. If you are not part of our church family, please know that God loves you, cares for you, and has a plan for your life. Just ask Him about it.